BAAK safety shoes are of course manufactured according to the specifications of EN ISO 20345 and thus offer the wearer the highest possible level of protection.

Safety shoes according to EN ISO 20345 protect the wearer from bumps, pinching, falling objects, penetration of sharp objects, as well as heat or cold.

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EN ISO 20345:2022

The most important changes of EN ISO 20345:2022 at a glance:

Standard Changes 2022


Until now it was mandatory to pass either SRA (test with cleaning agent on tile) or SRB (test of oil on steel) when doing the slip resistance test.

In the new standard the marking SRA no longer exists, this requirement now is a basic requirement for all safety shoes. Every safety shoe has to pass SRA.

Instead of forward slip flat now the shoes will be tested when sliding backward on the front part of the shoes.

But for special usage it is now also possible to waive the slip resistance test but then the shoes must be marked with Ø.

The requirement SRB (Oil on steel) is omitted.

As a new additional requirement there is the test of oil on tile which has to be marked with SR (slip resistant) then.

In the future the anti-penetration of textile material can be tested with 2 different nails.

Either with a thick nail of 4.5 mm diameter or with a thin nail of 3.0 mm diameter. The producer of the shoes can decide which one to use for certification.

There are no changes in the test of steel midsoles. Because of the changes there are new markings for shoes with anti-penetration.

If S3: – S3 (metallic anti-penetration board)

  • S3L (textile anti-penetration board) tested with thick (Large) nail
  • S3S (textile anti-penetration board) tested with thin (Small) nail


If S1 with anti-penetratiomn then the marking will be accordingly:

  • S1P (metallic anti-penetration board)
  • S1PL (textile anti-penetration board) tested with thick (Large) nail
  • S1PS (textile anti-penetration board) tested with thin (Small) nail

The textile anti-penetration board used by BAAK fulfills both requirements of S and L. Our shoes will be marked because only one marking is allowed.

The requirement WRU (Water Resistant Upper) is renamed to WPA (Water Penetration and Absorption)

The reason is that the term WRU was misleading because the test does not determine the water resistant properties of the upper but determines Waterpenetration and -absorption

  • Shoes of category S2 which are waterproof are now category S6 (previously S2 WR)
  • Shoes of category S3 which are waterproof are now category S7 (previously S3 WR)

In the previous standard FO was a requirement for shoes in S1, S2, S3 and so on.

This has now changed. FO is now an additional requirement.
That means S1 shoes with oil and fuel resistant outsole will now be marked S1 FO instead of only S1.

For overcaps in the toe area of the shoes there is the new requirement SC in the new standard. This requirement refers to additional material put on in that area to protect the toe area from abrasion. Often used overcaps which are part of the outsole of the shoe are not meant with that and cannot be certified as SC.

After 8000 abrasion cycles the overcap most not have a hole.

Also new is the additional requirement LG. This requirement describes the construction of heel and shank area to ensure a safe grip on ladders.

Orthopaedic changes on shoes are now part of the standard. 3 different types are mentioned:

  • Type 1: Footwear equipped with customized insocks
  • Type 2: Modified safety footwear
  • Type 3: Bespoke safety footwear

There is no marking on the shoes for this.

Addi. requirements

Complete shoe
PPenetration resistance
CConductive shoes
AAntistatic shoes
HIHeat insulation
CICold insulation
EEnergyabsorption heel
MMetatarsal protection
ANAnkle protection
SRSlipresistance oil on tile
Shoe upper
WPAWaterpenetration and absorption
CRCut resistance
SCScuff cap
LGLadder grip
HROHeat resistant outsole
FOFuel Oil resistance

EN ISO 20345:2011

CategoryBasic requirementsAdditional requirements
S1Closed seat region, antistatic properties, energy absorption in seat region
S2As S1, but with uppers preventing water penetration
S3As S2, but with a penetration-resistant midsole
Safety shoes EN ISO 20345:2011S1S2S3
Basic requirements
Closed seat region
Resistance to fuel oil
Antistatic properties
Energy absorption in seat region
Water penetration / absorption of the upper
Penetration resistance (P)
Cleated outsole
SymbolRequirementsRequired protection
PPenetration resistance↑ 1100 N
EEnergy absorption of the heel↑ 20 Joule
AAntistatic shoeBetween 0,1 and 1000 MΩ
CConductive shoe↓ 0.1 MΩ
WRWater resistant shoe
WRUWater resistant upper↑ 60 min.
HIHeat insulationTest at 150 °C
CICold insulationTest at -20 °C
HROHeat resistant outsoleTest at 300 °C
MMetatarsal protection
ANAnkle protection
CRCut resistance
SRASlip resistance
SRBSlip resistance

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